Southern Wisconsin Canine Therapy Dog Association is the only American Kennel Club Recognized Therapy Dog Organization in the state of Wisconsin!
Meet | Bios

Meet | Bios

  • Barley

    I fostered and adopted Barley from LEARN, an organization that specializes in lab rescues. He and his littermates were found in a ditch in TX, and brought to WI on a cold and snowy February day when they were about 9 weeks old. We're guessing his birthday is November 26, 2000. I always say he chose me. The whole litter was adorable, but his eyes never left me, and to this day, we have a special connection. We thought he was full lab, but he never grew past 48 pounds, and he has long, soft hair that gets curly in the winter. Any guesses? 

    I knew he'd make a good therapy dog when he showed little to no fear of people, and his sweet, loving, playful personality continued to develop. Have you ever heard of a camera shy dog? Well, meet Barley! He's introverted around cameras and other dogs, although still friendly. He loves to play "go get the ball" and "chase me while I have the ball", but he doesn't bring it back. He's a silly boy! Barley likes to go for runs, walks, swim, kayak, and chase the 4-wheeler, but most of all, he loves to snuggle and sleep. He currently works with me in my classroom at Brodhead High School. He has about 300 friends who he visits 2-3 times a week. He prefers to work in a spacious, moderately quiet, peaceful environment. When Barley's not at school, you can find him being a loyal farm dog at our home in Brodhead, WI, or "working" at Cardinal Car Wash.  

  • Peanut

    Peanut is a 3-year-old Havanese. He and his owner Sandi Henn have been visiting the Oregon Manor. We would love to visit other places in the near future. Peanut is a sweet little boy who loves to play with balls and jump in the snow. His primary goal is to spend time on your lap and have his belly rubbed. He likes to meet new people. Whoever he’s with, he wants to be close to them. 

  • Henry

    I adopted Henry, a Golden Retriever, in March of 2021 just after he turned 3 years old on March 5th. Since then, he has become a social butterfly and is always eager to meet other dogs and people. He’s made good friends and likes to play with all 3 of his classmates from his Therapy Dog class. He enjoys playing with his Chuck-It ball outdoors regardless of the temperature. Henry is particularly focused on tug toys and any kind of balls. He loves going for car rides, especially if the ride includes a Culver’s or Starbucks drive-thru where he hangs his head out the window waiting for the treat he knows is coming. Henry is excited to show off his Therapy Dog skills at the Rock County Juvenile Detention Center, the Beloit Boy’s and Girl’s Club, St. Elizabeth Manor in Footville, The Battered Women’s Shelter, and the Hedberg Library.  

  • Murphy

    Murphy was born 11/28/21 in Missouri, he is an English Labrador Retriever. His nickname is  “BIG MURPH”, he loves swimming, his blanket, squeaky toys, and playing with other dogs and people. As a therapy dog, he loves spending time with children and getting love and pets from anyone.

  • Nugget

    I am a 2-year-old Golden Doodle (mostly Golden with a little Doodle). I have so much energy that I require two handlers (Deb and Terry), which allows me to go to a variety of places. My favorite things in the world are playing fetch, swimming, and going for car rides. I don't care where we go, I just want to go! I also love a lot of attention and will paw at you if you are not paying enough attention to me. I look forward to meeting a lot of new people and dogs!

  • Ella

    Ella is a Lab Mix and was Ashley & Dan's 5th foster dog and first "foster failure." She came to them from a Native American reservation in the Dakotas as an older puppy. Ashley never anticipated continuing on to becoming a certified therapy dog team until they got more involved with training classes and found Ella's longing for love, attention, and eagerness to please. She especially loves visiting teens and the elderly. In her spare time, you will find her lounging on the couch or bed, keeping the resident goats & chickens rounded up & in line, and playing with her sister, Reba. 

  • Reba

    Reba is a Lab Mix and Dan & Ashley's 10th foster and second "foster failure." She came to them from a Missouri shelter as a young puppy. Reba started classes as she got a bit older in hopes of becoming a certified therapy dog team and going to places with her "sister" Ella. She achieved that and enjoys going anywhere her sister is, but she especially loves kids. In Reba's spare time, you can find her keeping a good eye on her property, rolling down the hill on her back, playing ball, or eagerly waiting for someone to ask if she wants to go for a ride.

  • Skye

    Hi!  I’m Skye, an energetic and affectionate Golden Retriever certified as a therapy dog.   I have completed extensive training in obedience and socialization which allows my effervescent personality to shine when meeting people of all ages.  I love to travel with my family especially if it involves training of any kind.  I enjoy playing fetch, swimming, dock diving, and competing in K9 scent detection sports when not bringing smiles and comfort to everyone I meet.  I particularly love to make people smile with my tricks.  It would be a pleasure to meet you!

  • Yeti

    Yeti was born on November 17, 2021. He came from Ohio and is a Goldendoodle – 60% Poodle and 40% English Golden Retriever. Yeti likes to lick, it is his “love language.” We have to help him control that. Yeti loves to go to the dog park and play with other dogs. 

  • Yoda

    I young adult mixed breed. Most people think I am a lab, but according to my DNA, I am mostly a German Shepherd. While I appear mostly aloof to most, I love meeting new people and crave constant attention. I get along with people of all ages and have visited a variety of places, including colleges, libraries, k-12 schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and even the jail for juveniles. As long as people are willing to pet me, I am happy. I forget sometimes that I only have one eye, but it is a topic of conversation everywhere I go. I lost my eye due to glaucoma when I was 2; having only one eye does not limit me at all, and does not prevent me from getting into trouble!

  • Barcklee

    Barcklee is a 3-year-old Yorkshire terrier. Most standard Yorkies weigh 7 lbs. As Barcklee weighs more than that, he is considered a giant Yorkie. His birthday is May 23rd. His name is an acronym created by combining the first letters in my grandchildren’s names and my name. He lives with Shaymus and a very tolerant cat, Misty. He is a very affectionate dog who will choose a lap over his bed. Chewing paper, toilet paper, dollar bills, and socks are his favorite pastimes. "Puppy treats" are never turned down. Bananas have become a favorite. He gets very excited when visiting with children. He likes all kinds of toys but greatly relishes stealing them from Shaymus. I call him my little shadow as wherever I am, he is. A true companion dog.

  • Shaymus

    Shaymus is a 12-year-old Shetland Sheepdog, commonly known as a Sheltie. His birthday is January 18th. I had just lost 2 of my dogs and was feeling pretty lonely when I met him and his litter mates. He was the largest of the litter. I was just going to look. Took an empty box with me and came home with a fluffy puppy. Love at first sight! He loves chasing and catching balls midair. Shaymus has also completed agility training. We continue using the hula hoop for jumping. Food of any kind is a passion of his, imagine that. When he wants your attention, he will poke you with his nose for as long as it takes to do his bidding. Going for car rides, and walks and supervising my gardening is a favorite pastime. His loyalty is matched by none. Where I go, he goes with glaring eyes. My best friend hands down.

  • Beckett

    Mr. Beckett is our 6-year-old Teddy Bear. Since he was nearly 12 weeks old, we started to acclimate him to come to our chiropractic office. It was a year of training for him to be completely certified as a Therapy Dog. We tell our patients he has an old soul as he is very calm and quiet while working. He is so comfortable when he is at work laying wherever it pleases him.  He will get up and sit next to the patients who seem to need some calming and other people he won’t even move for. His favorite activities are doing anything with his family, car rides, riding in a stroller with me on runs, or sitting and relaxing. Beckett’s work life consists of about 20 hours per week working at Stuckey Family Chiropractic in Janesville. 


  • River

    River has a contagious personality wrapped up in a big fluffy body. He's made many friends since starting Therapy Dog school and loves meeting new people and dogs. Since he was a puppy, River has always wanted to be the center of attention, and becoming a therapy dog has gifted him the opportunity to be just that. River and I enjoy working in a variety of different environments; nursing homes, assisted living centers, the Rock County Juvenile Center, and many others. When not doing his therapy dog duties, River enjoys wrestling with his big sister CC, playing with a tennis ball (and not bringing it back), and chasing squirrels in his backyard. I work a full-time job in Merchandising and spend my evenings and weekends being involved in the community and our association. We hope to get in with other organizations soon to help a variety of other people in need of Therapy Dog Support. 

  • Finn

    Hi, my name is Finn and I’m a Bernadoddle, which is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. I was born in Missouri in September of 2022. 
    I enjoy going on long walks through downtown Janesville with my mom. I had a great time walking in the Janesville Jolly Jingle Parade showing off my people skills.  I also enjoy the company of other dogs and am passionate about chasing balls.  I’m even learning how to catch them.  Even though I love activity, I can be super chill which comes in handy when visiting the elderly.  My mom, Mary, and I are working together as a therapy team in the Southern Wisconsin Canine Therapy Dog Association. We are looking forward to helping others in the community, especially in Cancer centers. 

  • Bentley

    Bentley is 5 years old and was certified in 2020. Ashley and Bentley went through training to fulfill Ashley's Senior Project requirement for Evansville High School. Bentley is a very active dog who loves to play soccer and go on long hikes. Ashley and Bentley visit schools, nursing homes, and Creekside in Evansville, WI.

  • Odin

    Odin is a cream-colored labradoodle who loves everyone. He's never met someone who doesn't adore him, and he gets along well with other dogs too.  His favorite things in the world are balls, treats, and meeting people. He can't wait to meet you!

  • Rocco

    Hi, my name is Rocco! I live on a horse farm with my pawrents. I am a Cane Corso, around 130lbs. My Birthday is June 12th, 2022, and I like to celebrate it with all my friends. I have a lot of friends – humans of all ages, cats, dogs, chickens, and equine! I always want to make more friends. I know I can look intimidating, but I have always had a sweet disposition. I am the definition of a gentle giant. My pawrents and trainer (Scott Lindner) have taught me to continue to be kind and thoughtful of others. I take treats gently and I love to soak in all the affection I can get. When I’m not keeping watch over the farm, I’m going for walks and watching tv with my dad. I also enjoy going to visit retirement centers, juvenile centers, and hospitals, and love to take my pawrents shopping in various stores. I love visiting new places. I look forward to every adventure.

    Love and God Bless, Rocco


  • Peanut

    Peanut is a sweet and affectionate five-year-old Golden Retriever. She has been certified as a therapy dog since 2021 and has spent most of her therapy days at Edison Middle School in Janesville. Peanut enjoys traveling, especially to Upper Michigan, swimming, playing fetch, and hiking. She loves being around people of all ages but seems to have a special understanding and connection with young adolescents.

  • Renzy

    Renzy is a friendly, spunky German Shorthair Pointer. She was born on May 17, 2017, and began training to be a therapy dog from the moment she was brought home. Renzy loves chasing the birds and bunnies in her yard as well as soaking up the sun on the deck. In the winter, her favorite thing is taking a nap in front of the fireplace. She has been certified as a Therapy Dog since 2021 and spends two days a week at Franklin Middle School where her handler is one of the School Counselors. Renzy loves walking the halls during passing time and getting lots of pets and hugs from the students and staff. She fits right in the middle school mindset with her silliness and inability to sit still for a long period of time!

  • Daisy

    Hi!  My name is Daisy and I'm a 6 yr. old English Springer Spaniel. My birthday is February 12th, 2018.  I went through several weeks of training so I could become a certified therapy dog.  I enjoy visiting schools, libraries, nursing homes, and other facilities.  As long as I get a pat on the head, a hug, and some treats I'm happy.  I love chasing my tire, and tennis balls. I also really like going for rides with Mom and Dad.  When I get my therapy dog vest on, I'm excited and ready to go visit.

  • Abigail

    My name is Abigail, "Abi", for short and I'm an English Springer Spaniel.  My birthday is February 4th, 2019.  I'm a certified therapy dog and love to visit schools, libraries, nursing homes, and other facilities.  There are times when you will see me with my half-sister, Daisy, who is also a certified therapy dog.  I love to grab things and play "keep away", play with my stuffed mini mouse toy, and chase bird shadows.  My short tail really starts wagging, when my therapy dog vest is put on me and I know we are going to make someone happy.

  • Miracle

    Miracle was born on October 24, 2013, and was the only puppy in her litter. Unfortunately, she inhaled birth fluids and developed a lung infection that caused her to be very sick for the first 3 weeks of her life. After she recovered, the breeders named her Miracle and were going to train her to be a show dog. They later found out she was born without a proper left hip joint and couldn’t be a show dog. So Miracle came to live with us, Kathy & Bill Schendt. We started walking her daily and taking her swimming once a week to build up her hip muscles. It worked and she is an extremely healthy Golden Retriever today.

    Miracle has been a Therapy Dog since 2017 and has volunteered over 2000 hours. Her story of perseverance, hope, and love (plus being such a sweet Golden) are just some of the reasons people love her. She spreads her message (and a little Golden fur) wherever she goes – Agrace Hospice, assisted living centers, schools, etc. We have seen the power of Miracle’s goodness help heal many hearts over the years – including those we met in Uvalde, Texas after the horrific school shooting in 2022. In January of 2024, she went to Perry, Iowa after the school shooting there. She has been asked to return in March 2024.

  • Coco

    Coco is a Golden Retriever born in July of 2022, and adopted by our family in September of that year. We love how snuggly and calm she is. Coco has taken classes through the Southern WI Canine Therapy Dog Association, where she earned her Therapy Dog certification. There is a big personality within this sweet gentle dog. She loves long walks, belly rubs, holding hands, visiting people, and making new friends, young and old.

  • Tarza

    Hi!  Hello, my name is Tarza Jane. I am a one-year-old German Shepherd. I came into the world on February 22, 2023, and my family took me in as a foster child. After having me for a month, I won them over with the way I am so obedient and love to please them that they couldn’t resist keeping me as their own. That’s what they call a foster fail! But that’s not a bad thing, my mom and I bonded so much that I had to stay in her life. I spend a lot of time on the farm with my brother, Rocco, who is also a therapy dog. I also have an elderly sister who is a Catahoula/Border Collie mix. I like to go visit my friends in nursing homes, jail, and in the hospital. I am very comfortable in many other settings because my favorite job is making people smile. Thanks for listening. Paw paw for now!

  • Aspen

    Aspen is Gary and Ann's dog. The bio is on the way.

  • Harley

    Harley was my foster dog through Canine Cupids out of Milwaukee. After a very short period of time, I realized that my life would not be complete without him in it, so I officially adopted him! Harley was found in a dumpster in Milwaukee before he was brought to the organization and still to this day, he would eat food out of the garbage if he could! We just let him have our leftovers so there is less of a mess! I was told that they think Harley is a black lab, border collie mix and I think that is pretty accurate.

    Harley loves to meet new people and make friends with new dogs. He enjoys riding in the car, playing fetch, taking naps, and going for walks. Right now, Harley mainly works with me in my school counseling office and has loved getting to meet all the students and staff. I think that being a therapy dog might be at the top of his list of things he loves. He gets very excited when he realizes that we are going to school or anywhere that he might meet someone new.